21 July 2009

West Coast Debut - Hive Gallery, LA

For friends and fam/fans in southern California, I will have a couple of pieces in an upcoming group show in downtown Los Angeles. I won't be making the trip personally, but please come through and represent for me! Should be a pretty unique night, with tons of art and live performances going late into the evening. Show runs through August, so if you can't make the opening, come through during their business hours..

729 S. Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90014

Exhibition Runs August 1-29, 2009
Sun-Tues: By appointment | Wed-Sat: 1-6:00pm

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Opening Event:
Saturday, August 1st, 8pm-12:30am
$8 at door/ $5 for those dressed in Black and Yellow
click for more details