31 October 2013

Solo Show: "SMOLDERING SKYLINES" - Friday Nov 8th

heyo! solo show coming up!! i haven't shown very much lately, so i'm breaking out the goods for this one! come through and see some assorted urban clusterfucks, cluttered skies, and smoked out cityscapes. some brand new, some older that never went public. only bad news is: it's one-night-only. so don't miss it! i've got the whole first level (technically 2nd floor), with a salon exhibition and live music in the upstairs gallery (3rd floor).

"Smoldering Skylines"
Paintings by Julia Cocuzza
Friday, November 8, 2013 (one night only!)
Opening/Closing: 8-11pm

Greenpoint Gallery
390 McGuinness Blvd, Brooklyn NY
G to Greenpoint Ave

For more, visit juliacocuzza.com

09 October 2013

"emotional landscapes, they puzzle me"

"the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this
state of emergency, how beautiful to be."

nearly a year later i finally complete a painting depicting some elements of hurricane sandy.