Now that he's passed on, I feel the need to separate and preserve my adoration of his creativity, dedication, and contribution - keeping those memories free and clear from any twisted scandal or otherwise bizarre behavior/appearance that has entertained us (in our own perverted way) and kept countless tabloids ("junk food" as I heard Michael say once in an interview) highly profitable. He's paid the price in many ways, one could definitely argue, and a lot about human beings can be learned from the peeks and valleys of his story. On a day like today, though, I can only dwell on the positive... so much positive. Much love, MJ. Your career will be celebrated for generations.
Quick back track.. As I was leaving the gym this afternoon, CNN had JUST reported that MJ was rushed to a hospital. At that moment, this song started bumpin' loud in my head. By the time I got home, showered, and flipped on NY1, he was dead.
Okay. Sorry to get heavy and off topic. Back to ME! God, blogging makes me feel like such a tool sometimes. :/
Painted a little this week, nothing major. Couldn't leave that ugly "Active Intellect 2" (from a couple posts back) alone. I think it's finally on its way to turning out halfway decent. Vegas nightclub scene, en route.